Wayne-Finger Lakes Teacher Center Policy Board
The Wayne-Finger Lakes Teacher Center is governed by a Policy Board comprised of teachers, administrators, representatives of post-secondary education, business, cultural, community organizations, and parents.
Policy Board members are selected by the groups which participate in the governance of the Teacher Center. The purpose of the Policy Board is to provide leadership, direction, and carry out appropriate managerial, budgeting, and supervisory activities.
The Wayne-Finger Lakes Teacher Resource Center Policy Board is comprised of a single representative from the 21 participating public school districts, including:
In addition, the Policy Board represents four non-public schools and serves approximately 5,000 educational professionals in 84 buildings in Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, and Yates counties. Policy Board meeting agendas, dates and minutes will be posted below.
Policy Board meetings begin at 4:30 p.m. and will be held via Zoom or in the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Conference Center located behind the Arcadia Building, 121 Drumlin Court. Additional meetings may be added, if needed. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the WFL Teacher Center.
Policy Board Meetings, Agendas & Minutes
Additional materials to be added below.
Mary Beall, Director
Wayne-Finger Lakes Teacher Center
121 Drumlin Court - Arcadia Building
(315) 332-7272